Raising awareness continued – waste culture

I decided to also take this part of my collections project forward, I think this route creates a lot of opportunities for art projects. I have decided to focus on the current problem of how much plastic the world uses.

I also found many artists who are passionate about collecting trash in order to raise awareness of how much plastic the world is beginning to use. There is a huge problem with where plastic is going and how it is ruining nature and the environment around us.

Combining my collected rubbish and showing the aspect of our trash destroying nature I decided to develop a series of photographs to show the horrific nature of rubbish in nature. I decided to take photos of my friend surrounded by my collected rubbish: 

I think I managed to present my idea clearly through these photographs and I believe they are successful images. One thing I would change if I could re-do these pictures I would firstly include A LOT more rubbish and collected items, I think the images don’t look full enough. Another thing I would change is I might consider background a bit more – the white might not have been the right background for this shoot.

artist: Markus Heinsdorff, his installation piece inspired some of my next projects including my installation in the garden on the washing line – more info written on my installation blog post.


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