The London Design Museum: ‘Home Futures’ exhibition

The Design Museum was a trip planned for all students hoping to study design at university next year. Having never been to the London Design Museum before, I was amazed with their collection and the current exhibition we went to see: ‘Home Futures’. I loved the exhibition, and as it had links with our current project I found that it gave me a lot of inspiration and ideas towards my new project.

The exhibition encouraged visitors to ‘explore today’s home through the prism of yesterday’s imagination’. The exhibition heavily focused on the fact that many designers are introducing, creating and evolving new ways to improve our homes for the future. The exhibition expects us to ‘immerse yourself in a series of dreamlike passages and rooms… and explore yesterday’s visions of the future’. This is one thing the exhibition did well on, they included the past’s ideas of what the modern world is going to be like – the 70’s in particular had a huge influence on the changes in design. It was really interesting to see what the 70’s expected and what has actually happened now, as well as seeing what modern ideas were being created about the future starting from now.

The exhibition also had a partnership with IKEA: ‘At IKEA we have always been curious about innovative technology and passionate about life at home.’ The involvement and collaboration with IKEA really heightened the exhibition, it now had that addition of a company that is forever evolving and has almost always been the centre of modern developments in design.



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