Pathway Workshop: Paper Sculptures

Having decided the course I want to do at University next year (Interior Architecture), I decided to follow the 3D pathway. For our first pathway lesson we looked at Richard Serra’s ‘Verb List’ (1967-8). This list compiled a series of what was called “actions to relate to oneself, material, place, and process”. This verb list developed our structural practice through language-based exercises.

For my paper sculptures I decided to use the verbs:

  • To Roll
  • To Fold
  • To Trust
  • To Tear
  • To Open
  • To Knot
  • To Flow
  • To Curve
  • To Rotate
  • To Hang
  • To Surround
  • To Twist
  • To Enclose
  • To Encircle

Out of all the artwork I have created over my foundation course, I believe these paper sculptures have been my best work so far. I really enjoyed the process of creating sculptures through language, it provided a new insight into creating three dimensional work and I think it really broadened my future thinking about drawing and design. Here are some of my sculptures:

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